Rich son, winning son

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From the same author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The book Rich Son, Winning Son is aimed at parents who value education, who want to teach their children to get ahead in the financial, academic world and in life, and who are willing to take an active role in making this happen. In the Information Age, good education has become more important than ever.


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It is aimed at parents who value education, who want to teach their children to get ahead in the financial, academic world and in life, and who are willing to take an active role in making this happen. In the Information Age, good education has become more important than ever. But today's education system may not be providing all the information your child needs. This book aims to fill those gaps: to help you pass on to your child the same practical and inspiring financial knowledge that Robert Kiyosaki's rich dad gave him. Rich Son, Winning Son will show you how to awaken your child's love of learning, using the same methods that Robert Kiyosaki's educated father used to help him stay from dropping out of school, even though he had terrible grades and often thought about drop out of school. The book will open doors you were unaware of, allowing you to impart the skills and understanding your child will use for the rest of their life.

About the author

Robert Kiyosaki is a businessman, investor and writer and believes that the world needs more entrepreneurs to create jobs. Kiyosaki is best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad – the # 1 personal finance book of all time, which challenged and changed the way millions of people around the world think about money. With a perspective that often defies conventional thinking, Robert has earned a reputation for his direct, irreverent, and courageous speech. He is considered a passionate advocate for financial education.

Additional information

Dimensions 16×2×23 cm