Anxiety: How to face the evil of the century (Augusto Cury)

This book by Augusto Cury presents SPA, its symptoms and techniques to deal with it. The book helps to understand the difference between SPA and hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder.


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We live in a society of excesses. We are bombarded by information that, most of the time, we cannot absorb. We are charged, pressured, we become hostage to our mind. This situation altered something that should be inviolable – the pace of construction of thoughts -, generating very serious consequences for emotional health, the pleasure of living, intelligence, creativity. Thinking is good, thinking with a critical conscience is even better, but thinking excessively is a bomb against the quality of life and a creative and productive intellect.In Anxiety: how to face the evil of the century, the renowned psychiatrist and psychotherapist Augusto Cury presents the of Accelerated Thinking (PAS), one of the most pervasive diseases today. Still little known by psychologists and psychopedagogues, PAS is often confused with hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder. In this book, you will learn about the symptoms and consequences of this evil, as well as the techniques to face it and regain your emotional and mental peace of mind.

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Dimensions 30×20×10 cm